"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." John 15:4

Friday, May 2, 2014

Portraits from Type

One of our final projects in my Typography design class was to create two portraits using only letters numbers and symbols from the keyboard.  This was a fun project, but also a very time consuming one and I was not able to do all that I would have liked to or experiment much.

My first choice was to do the face of Chris Evens a.k.a. Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America.  This was partly due to the fact that I had just watched Captain America: The winter solider(awesome movie btw ;)).

Using only the words "On your left" (a quote in the movie) this is what i created.

Not fabulous, but it got the job done. :)

Our second portrait had to be of ourselves. Not nearly as good or as interesting, but here you go...

If you can recognize it's me, I'm happy.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Graphic Design 1: Self Promotional Projects: Part 1

I'm taking four classes this semester and one of them is called (whad'ya know?) Graphic Design 1.   For this class we have mainly focused on self promotional projects, each one stacking on top of the other.  My choice was to work on my imaginary freelance design business, hoping that maybe one day I could put what I've made to a good use.

We started out by making ourselves a logo for our business, company, idea, whatever.  Now the design process is more complicated then I'll explain here, but basically you start out with some thoughts and "thumbnails" ideas for where you project will go and what it will look like.  Then you must work on actually bringing that to life.  But are you done when that part is done?  Not a chance! ;)  All projects could use a critique or two (or a couple million in my teachers case) and there is always something that can be fixed or tweaked.

Here below is my first go at designing my logo design.  It looked very similar to my flowy scripted sketch, but me and my teacher decided that this was not the right style for this project and to save it for later.

These are various other variations to my design.

After setting this design aside, I took a totally different turn and started from scratch on another style.  
This is what I got.

I wasn't very happy with what I got, and my teacher had quite a few things about it that she thought I should change so I decided to just go ahead and scratch this one too! ;P

This is what I finally came up with, and I'm pretty happy with it. :) 

(sorry, the picture is a little dark, not sure why...) 

So, there you have it, my journey to create my Logo Design!  :) 

I will post about creating my business card and other projects in Graphic Design Part 2.  

How to not Blog

Ok, so....I'm terrible at writing and great at procrastinating.  Thus the absence of blogging on this blog.  My lack of writing patience as well as my scarcity of extra time have not been beneficial either, but I hope that whoever reads this will understand and hang in there with me.

Thank you. :)

Photo Credit: Big Mac computers from my school.